204 SW 11th Street, Suite A, Blue Springs MO 64015. By appointment only.
204 SW 11th Street, Suite A, Blue Springs MO 64015. By appointment only.
Wild Souls is a Nonprofit 501c3, a Native American woman-created charity, operated by donations and volunteers saving 1000 wildlife a year by rescue and rehabilitation. Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions for local wildlife. We need your In Kind & Monetary donations to fund our mission. It’s tax deductible! Wild Souls Wildlife's success relies on your support.
We've been hard at work in the field; rescuing Missouri's most vulnerable inhabitants. See what we've been up to and learn about how we are serving our communities' in Eastern Jackson County and surrounding Counties providing Wildlife Services, Education, Public Outreach, Volunteer, Community Service, Internship opportunities and many other great programs.
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Wild Souls Wildlife is paving the way for a better tomorrow. Our Clinic Averages 900 wild animals rehabilitated at an 88% release rate annually. Wild Souls also provides a free hotline to the public, educating callers on Coexisting and reuniting strategies and humane evictions. Our values are at the highest for animal welfare. Educating the public to Coexist with wildlife outside ensures our wildlife rehabilitation patients receive individual quality care in the Clinic.
Wild Souls' Hotline averages 3000 calls from the public. 50% of those calls are successfully keeping wild animals in their natural habitat by intaking wildlife rehabilitation candidates, identifying wildlife kidnapping and educating strategies of humane eviction, reuniting/ renesting found babies back to their mom, and coexisting with our wildlife neighbors. Our Hotline team of volunteers can obtain pictures and go onsite to provide the best service for the animal and humans. We can provide specialized care to our more critical patients by educating the public on reuniting strategies and preventing the intake of unnecessary wildlife that is not injured or orphaned.
Wild Souls holds a state permit to rehabilitate Native Missouri mammals and a USFW permit to rehabilitate birds of prey. (Owls, Hawks, Falcon) Wild Souls loves educating not only about Missouri's beautiful wildlife but also about sharing space. You can find us on Social Media, Community outreach, and Public platforms, working with Animal Control, Park Rangers, Police Fire, Conservation Agents, schools, and other rehabilitators to promote healthy relationships for conservation and wildlife. The work we do today saves animals and saves the future!
Wild Souls engagements have excited career paths in conservation, getting outdoors, and experiencing Nature in a new light to cohabitate. Our passion for animals and our 100% Volunteer and donation-operated humble Nonprofit shine through the rehabilitation of wildlife and the success rate of each patient. They transition from injured, helpless, or vulnerable animals to becoming strong, healthy wild animals rehabilitated to be released back into their natural environment where they belong. We do all this with donations and volunteers!
Shop with a Conservation Agent” This is an inaugural Wild Souls event for Missouri started 2019. Missouri Department of Conservation County Agents, Chiefs, Captains from all over the state travel to Wild Souls Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation to then shop with 12 selected children that have experienced hardship with an interest in conservation that have been identified by their schools, counselors, and community.
The children are selected from 3 counties: Cass, Jackson, Lafayette. It’s truly an amazing heartfelt event that Wild Souls sponsors and aligns with MDC.
Listed below is Information and I have attached pictures from last year's event. It is a great time to recognize MDC Agents hard work, the children’s future conservation efforts, open mentorship's by aligning them with their own Agent for the day to shop, along with Wild Souls and how we work closely with MDC supporting their efforts. We hope our example of collaborative conservation work instills others to engage with their conservation agents and organizations.
The event will match Conservation County Agents from across the State of Missouri with local area children that have experienced hardship with an interest in Conservation. The children will enjoy a breakfast , shopping at the Blue Springs, Walmart with the Conservation Agent and Wild Souls Staff, Guest speakers The children will enjoy shopping for toys, clothing, shoes, conservation tools and additional items on their list this year.
“This event promises to have a great impact on each of the children. It will expose them to the great work Wild Souls has accomplished with area wildlife and allow them to meet a Conservation agent in a very personal way.” – Corporal Conservation Agent Derek Cole
“Wild Souls is honored to work with the Missouri Department of Conservation as we continue to host the only Shop with an Agent event in the country. We hope this event serves as an example to others and the project is expanded to help improve community relationships with conservation departments and groups. This project is fulfilling for all who plan and participate in the event. This event focuses on making a difference in the lives of local youth and building positive conservation relationships to secure Missouri's conservation for the future." Conservation agents are mostly unseen, but work tirelessly supporting Conservation Efforts. We want to have them step into the spotlight, and connect their passion with the children in this community.” – Executive Director April Hoffman.
To Sponsor a child https://form.jotform.com/212838969386173
To see last years event https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1333007420462436&type=3
If you are interested in sponsoring a child , cart or stockings , please email april@wildsoulswildliferescuerehab.org or see the discussion tab in the event. Thank you.
Wild Souls opens unique experiences for youth into conservation. This event is full of tears, smiles and positive everlasting memories to children in conservation. This year we are excited to announce an extension to the program engaging the children more into nature!
To see 2023 Shop with a Conservation Agent Program
Interested in Sponsorship of our upcoming events?
We have Different options to recognize you or your company for supporting us! Whether it’s an in-kind donation or a financial contribution, we want to support you!! Contact april@wildsoulswildliferescuerehab.org